
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Orange Sensation

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I found these lovely oranges (with leaves still attached) at our Market of Choice. I've never been able to find nice ones like these before and was super excited when I did. I envisioned them like a little band, up on their bottles to perform, with their leaves like fancy capes. You know, because all bands have ... capes ...


  1. laughing so hard I almost wet myself....." all bands have capes...." You are priceless!

  2. It's like the half-time show at football games!

  3. Beautiful design; and I get the capes. They actually remind me of Meryl Streep and friends camping it up at the end of "Mama Mia".

  4. Hi Carol-another exceptionally fine work. Don't know where you found such great bottles and the oranges are extra special.
    Could this one be 6 x 8 ? It's labeled 6x6 but doesn't look square.
    Joy To The World! Hope you have fun!

  5. The three amigos..actually amigas (las naranjas) look good in the new format. Like the repetition of round forms, too. Happy Holidays, Filbert to your whole family.

  6. I loved the painting for its lyrical dance-like movement and then Gol'd (Guffawed out loud) at the description.

    All bands SHOULD have capes...

  7. Wonderful! Love the shaping of the form with your brushwork. I have leaf/cape envy- love finding one or two with leaves still attached and you found a whole band of them. Fancy!

  8. Marcie in Toledo12/22/2011 8:33 AM

    I love reading your commentary almost as much as looking at your beautiful work! You are hilarious. I check in frequently to see what you're painting and Ive never commented before, but today's post made me laugh. Thanks. Love, love, love your work.

  9. Beautiful painting! That's how I loved to buy oranges in Italy... in my previous life! lol
    Lots of envy for that and for the composition. Would I ever had thought of putting the bottles in a "Oooing" position? who knows. It looks great. :0

  10. I love this composition and YES all bands do have capes...or if they don't they should! the reflections are great too.

  11. Great flow to this composition, love it!

  12. Un superbe trio...
    Je vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes et une douce nuit de noël à vous et à tous ceux que vous aimez.
    Gros bisous.
