
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Pig in Shades

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Apparently I've created quite a reputation for myself. Everyone seems to think I'm some kind of wine guzzling party gal. I have no CLUE how you might have inferred that from what I've written here on my blog. No clue. So here I am in Sedona and my kids not only ply me with wine each and every night, they keep me out WAY past my bedtime (sometimes until 9!!!) and even pour hot fudge sundae's down my throat. What a horrible life I lead.

A big thank you to Cornelia who sent me a replacement pig (the brother to the small one lost in the fire). I painted him here with my cool new shades from Target.


  1. This one made me laugh loudly out loud! Thanks! The iridescence in the glasses is way cool.
    Have fun in the vortex!

  2. Ha,Ha, This made me laugh! The pig not your drinking habits(yeah sure you were forced!). Your treatment of the glasses is fascinating and beautiful!

  3. I love the colors you used in the sunglasses and of course the highlights! Great work!

  4. That pig is workin those sunglasses yo.

    Seriously though, I love this. I think it is the best. pig painting. ever. :))

  5. Oh, I love him! I was going to send you mine! Hey, I think Dana is very cool, and I know she would NEVER ply you with wine....

    Your new glasses are TDF...

  6. LOL this has to be my new favourite, what a super cool piggy. Love the reflection on the sunglasses!

  7. I love this one. Beautiful colours and reflections in the shades and a great cute and happy feeling with the pig. It's the kind of painting I would look at every now and then to cheer me up when I'm down - maybe you should keep it for yourself for that reason?

  8. Adorable colors.
    Hot shades =)

  9. This guys really makes me smile!

  10. lol - they even pour ice cream down your throat? that DOES sound rough. lol. And great job on those shades!

  11. Awesome!! What a pig, rockin those shades. Those lenses are spectacular Carol! Perfect!!

  12. Now That, is a funny face. And the dude wasn't even trying..

  13. I love the colors... and the textures too! Awesome job!

  14. The cool piggy is so funny and cute with his shades! And the colors are gorgeous!! Love this painting!

  15. Wow! This little pig is so tender and beautiful in his exquisite supersized sunglasses.
    He should be looked at every single day because he'll make any day brighter.

  16. Like everybody else I am loving the shades. Those various greens are super cool!

  17. He's just WAY too CUTE!!!

  18. I love how you represented the Sunglasses. Fantastic!

  19. I admire your incredible talent and creativity! Love the shades!

  20. Even when doing fun piece I still notice how incredible your values and colors are. This piece is is a real pleasure.

  21. Carol, you do have quite a reputation! A reputation that we would all die for . . . a true artist's artist, a comedian, a friend to your many followers and workshop attendees, and someone who makes lemonade out of lemons. It's been amazing to watch your family rise from the ashes and keep going. You're an inspiration to us all! Although if I were you, I'd get those kids under control!! We can't have all the wine drinking and partying going on! LOL

  22. Ha! Fun. Your painting reputation holds you up, not to worry!

  23. Your name and teaching prowess were brought up at my workshop last weekend! You are well appreciated!!!

    What a great delight to visit your blog, too.

  24. I just totally love this.. you nailed it!

  25. Wow, you captured that iridescent green color of the sun glasses! It's like a bug eyed piggy. I love it. :)
