
Friday, October 07, 2011

Scary Cherry

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I apologize for not posting this past week. We have been running around like chickens with our heads cut off in the never-ending (it seems) task of starting over from scratch in a new house. I hope to get back to regular posting soon. Meanwhile I am almost ready to start painting again. I keep thinking I can paint and then realize I am missing something important. The last order of supplies will come tomorrow while we are in Portland making an IKEA run.

See pics of our new house on our New Beginning blog.


  1. Love this one, especially the gesture of the shoes. I can almost imagine the whole affect of the person wearing them at this moment. Wonderful palette.

  2. that cherry is sinister!! :D
    love the shoes and your new digs. Glad things are moving quickly.

  3. Glad to hear that you are getting back to 'normal' so soon. Look forward to seeing your new work, and following your New Beginnings. Cheers from down under. (PS Will you get snow in winter? Terribly jealous if so.)

  4. Looks like you're ready to "step out". It occurs to me that you may have to get used to your oils drying more slowly?!

  5. Your shoes look like old friends and the cherry reminds me of comfort.

  6. Carol, step back, breathe, and take your time. We can wait for the paintings. You deserve the time. Your new home will be perfect for you. Hugs from a new neighbor here in Washington State! Jennifer
