
Saturday, October 29, 2011

After the Rain

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I took some liberties with this image. I saw this tractor ... is it a forklift? ... in Maine last year when I was painting with Colin Page (a truly fabulous plein air painter!!!). It rained for almost all of the 2 days we painted, but cleared up finally on the last afternoon. I was walking around and shot a picture of this, but the sun wasn't coming through the clouds as I suggested in this painting. A little artistic liberty never hurt nobody. : )


  1. Une belle touche, puissante où la couleur vibre sous la pluie...
    Belle toile.
    Gros bisous

  2. Carol, my in-house expert, Nicholas (8), says it's the back side of a forklift. BTW-I love the artistic license you have taken!

  3. This is great. Yes, it is a forklift. Who knew industrial products made great paintings.

  4. I love the reflections on the wet ground. Well done!

  5. A great job Carol, I like it.
    A hug

  6. Thanks for the mention Carol. I wish we could have had better weather for you so you could have some sunny scenes to work with.

  7. You caught that beautiful light. Love the Blue-grays, Lavender-grays and yellows together.
    Fabulous color harmony.
    BTW I am a HUGE fan of Colin's paintings too!
