
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pink Ribbon, Blue Nose

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I've started a new blog - A New Beginning - to post about our trip to Oregon and restarting our lives there.

Meanwhile, I'll keep posting here every few days with the remaining paintings I have from before the fire. Here's one of a pig I am very sad to have lost. I didn't even find the pieces of him in the rubble. Hopefully I'll find another one day. I hope to be up and running with the silly faces project by the 6th. If everything goes right we'll close on the new house on the 5th. I've gotten some really fabulous faces already - thank you to everyone who's emailed them!


  1. He is really cute Carol--so sorry you lost him, but I know a new little piggy is just waiting for you to find him. Wishing you and your family many best wishes on your new beginnings! I am really looking forward to your silly faces projects! Hugs!

  2. I loved that pig :(
    Don't worry though. I think there may be a pig in the mail ;)

  3. Mmm.. like the pink and blue concept... cute
    Poor pig, at least he/she is immortalize in a painting!

  4. Awwwwww! LOVE this piggy. : [. So sorry you lost him, and hope you can paint something similar that will lift your spirits, and ours. Heartwarming post.

  5. Carol, I love these soft colors-I never realized how effective it could be-kind of like a soft voice instead of a loud one.It makes you listen carefully. Really nice!

  6. Hello!! Love your paintings! Your style and dedication has inspired me to do a painting a day, and I'm on number 5 now. (woohoo! hehe) Thanks so much!

  7. I think this is one of my favorite pig paintings. I'm so sad for you (and for me that I won't get to see his cute mug anymore) that he didn't survive. :( I just saw a whole row of piggy banks at Target the other day and thought of you. But none of them were this cute. If I ever find one I think you'd like I'd love to send it to you.

    I promise I'm not an internet stalker. For reals. :)

  8. Very good paintings! : )

  9. Oh my Lord! I haven't checked your site because I was busy moving from Texas to Switzerland. I can't believe what you just lived through. You are a very brave and strong woman to keep your blog going, traveling and teaching workshops with all that has happened in your life.
    I was so worried about our friends in TX, especially near Austin and those that lost all in the PK fire. Thank the Lord you have your lives and your will. I thank my lucky stars as I made it out in just March before the blazing summer of 2011 began. Good luck to you and your family in Oregon.

  10. I think I saw a pig like this on the "Oriental Trading Company" website. What's more it was a paintable pig....OK, they meant that you could actually paint the pig, but WE know that you would paint the pig in another way. ;)
