
Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Kitchen Sink

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This painting has everything except ... you guessed it, the kitchen sink. I have to admit, it is sometimes quite difficult to come up with new titles, especially after 1,420 of them! My husband helped with this one. Thank you, sweetheart!


  1. Wow, wow, WOW! LOVE the reflected blues Carol, this is outstanding!

  2. Amazing, just and always love you brush strokes! 1420!!!! Give me a break!

  3. That turquoise reflection on the handle is so delicious! What a fun painting this is!

  4. What a great composition, Carol. I love the handle sticking up out of the pitcher. The reflection of the beautiful blue on the white pitcher is masterful.
    As one of your NC kids, I have to say you got me started with daily painting and I am hooked. Thank You so much.

  5. Agree on the titles... however, coming up with new compositions day after day, amazing Carol.

  6. Really nice Carol.. Vacation lag is officially over. You've got your groove back on.

  7. LOL! This just reminded me to do the dishes!!!

    Great mix of contrasts here! I like it a lot!

  8. Love this! Love the stacked shapes, the richness of the "enameled" colors; the reflections. Just wonderful, and a nice break from worrying about Hurricane Irene : ).

  9. slammin'!!
    My favorite part?
    The lip of the pitcher, which I recognize ;)and the beautiful rich color inside the pitcher with just that tiny stroke of shadow to define the curve.
    I live for this stuff..
