
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Class Snack

I enjoy stacking apples. That's all I got today.


  1. This is so appealing.

    I especially like the way you've handled the reflected light of the bowl on the background. What at first appear to be a hasty collection of offhand brushstrokes, are really carefully observed, pitch perfect paint strokes of accurately rendered, value, hue and chroma.
    Nice edges too.

  2. Hi Carol... trying to leave you a comment, hope it works. I love your bowls, cool idea. Been working hard on all the stuff you taught it class. My head's almost too full of everything we did ! ha ha I loved the experience.. thanks again !

  3. I think I just had to click 'not to save my password' and that DID IT ! HA HA HA

  4. This is my favorite of these golden apples yet. I love every bit of this painting. I really really love the shapes of the slices. Great paint on this one!

  5. And you do it so well ;)
    Beauty !
