
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Alone in the Pool - SOLD

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I found a quote today I had completely forgotten about. I'd written it down and left it in a stack of papers ages ago. I probably even mentioned it here. But it's so great, here goes again: "Don't attempt to master a painting. Love the attempt."


  1. This is gorgeous Carole, the blue background really sets the rose off.

  2. This rose is so beautifully painting. Love that creamy white next to the dark blue. The tulips are wonderful too.

    Great quote! Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Chuck Close: "Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to hit you in the brain, you're not going to make a lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself."

  3. It's hard not to paint a rose that isn't a cliche', but you've painted this in such a fresh way, so we think about shape and this.

  4. That's a great quote, Carol, and well worth remembering. It's the journey - the process - not the destination. I know, easy to say.

  5. and i really love this attempt :)

  6. Goodmorning Carol,

    A whise quote, but your paintings hardly look like attempts to me.

    Is this coincidence ; two days ago I've finished a painting with a rose too.
    A Black and dried one... exact the oposite of yours, funny isn't it?
    Have a nice and creative day.
    Hope you enjoyed the teaching the passed days.

    - Dauw -

  7. I gotta say, that is your best rose ever. I know how difficult they are to get right, but you certainly did.

  8. I LOVE this rose, Carol . . . and love the quote even more. I may tape this message to my easel! Thanks for sharing.

  9. WHATTA BLUE! Looks nice on your blog's wallpaper, too.

  10. This one's a real beauty. I love the blues and greys.

  11. simple and beautiful!! is there a new challenge this week?

  12. Another gorgeous flower painting. I love these. Beautiful light on the petals. Getting the luminosity of a translucent flower petal is really tough, and you are doing an amazing job with these. Beautiful!

  13. that works for me!
    You've kind of mastered this rose though ;}

  14. Nice quote! I need to paint that on my wall, LOL! I love this painting, Carole!

  15. Nice! The best painting you've done since 'Glowing Tulip'.

    I really loved 'Glowing Tulip'.. The petals seemed back-lit as you noted in the title.

  16. Carol: Someone noted that.."It's hard not to paint a rose that isn't a cliche."

    I think the hard thing is for the painter to not see the cliche instead of the rose. Roses are unfailingly beautiful.

    Cheers, Frank

  17. Great painting. Love the quote. Here's a couple that I picked up several years ago.

    "Acknowledge and move on".

    "Art is a sometimes a series of corrections".
