Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Everybody Wants Grapes

Click Here to Purchase - $200 - 6x6in. - oil on panel

I took a nice, long trip with my husband and dog, which was so wonderful after the year I've had! The great thing about trips for me is getting out of my routine and attaining a broader perspective on my life and my work. This is especially true when we are camping, because it gives me lots of time to stare at the scenery and contemplate what I'm doing without being pressed up against it as I am when I'm in my studio.

Another benefit of trips for me is that eventually I get bored, and new ideas start popping into my head. I had quite a few this time, and mostly they revolved around larger paintings. I have a handful of small works left that I will post (like this one), but I also have some big ones that I was holding onto for I'm not sure what reason, and have dusted off, varnished, photographed, and will soon post as well. The prices on these will be good as my main motivation is to move them out of the way for new work.

As for my neck and healing from surgery, it's going great! They say it takes a year to get back to "normal," whatever that means after essentially 20+ years of neck trouble. My muscles in that whole area are still angry, and that certainly hampers what I can do, but it's improving steadily, and everything is so so SO much better than it was before!!!

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