The way I learned to apply my paper bits is with acrylic matte medium (as glue). First I apply some to the substrate with a brush (right now I'm using a heavy cardstock as my substrate). Then I put down my paper bit, brush on top of that with more medium, run my finger, firmly, all over the bit to completely flatten and get out any bubbles/extra glue. Then I brush the medium evenly all over the bit and around to make it nice. Because I'm working on several collages at once, I can let that one dry (doesn't take long here in Montana) while I work on some others.
After my collage is "done," the whole thing tends to dry curved. So at the very end I'll brush on more matte medium over the entire back of the collage, sandwich it with wax paper, and put some heavy books on it. I leave this overnight and in the morning it's pretty darn flat.
Buy Now - $45 - 4x6in. - collage - "Reduced Flow"

Buy Now - $45 - 4x6in. - collage - "Somewhere in Hyperspace"
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