Monday, June 06, 2022

I Double Dare You


Click Here to Bid (6x8in. - Oil - starts at $100)

Neck update: I was concerned that something was wrong with my recovery from neck surgery. I was still having a lot of pain 4 months out, but I was also experiencing some strange symptoms that really concerned me. So I got another MRI and met with my neurosurgeon, and he assured me it was all picture perfect. Because I had nerves that were being squashed by a herniated disc for years before the surgery, the nerves will be angry for a while longer, until they heal. Since that meeting with my doc I have a lot less fear, and the very next day started feeling better physically. Go figure!

And I have even more good news. Last week I took some photos of a few small still life setups and painted from the photos. It was a very interesting experience, with some unexpected pros and cons. I'll talk about that when I post the paintings. But then yesterday I tried painting a still life from actual life and --- it worked! It hurt some to look back and forth like I do, but not so much I can't do it again. So, yay! Life is slowly getting back to normal and that makes me so happy! Next up, pickleball. : )

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