Friday, January 08, 2021

Angry Alarm


Click Here to Bid (5x5in. - GOUACHE - starts at $75)

I found a new source for royalty free images - I've been regularly scouring this and other sites for images, and saving them into folders by animal. Unfortunately I have completely neglected to jot down the names of the photographers, which would have been necessary to give individual shout-outs. So I would just like to put out a big THANK YOU to all who share their photos for us artists to use!!! Your generosity is very much appreciated.

Also, I recently posted this month's Daily Paintworks Challenge, in which I ask you to share your resolution(s) for the year, in art. In it I share this photo I took recently of a subject I plan to paint more of this year. Feel free to use it if you're inspired!

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