Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Just What's Showing

Click Here to Bid (8x10in. - starts at $100)

Hello! We are finally home from camping and, well it's one of those times we need a vacation from our vacation. : ) So I'm happy to still have some paintings left to post from my Sierra trip.

This was actually the very first one I did, or a version of it. From here on I will show you paintings that weren't 100% completed on site. I did some work after I got home, adjusting colors, values, shapes, etc. One problem we had out there, as I mentioned before, was constant mosquito's. My solution was to wear loose, long sleeve shirts and pants, and a mosquito net over my head, pretty much all the time. The net was black, so it affected how I saw a bit (though I forgot about it most of the time).

Honestly, this was my best "haul" of all our Sierra trips, and the only time I wore a net while I painted. So I'm considering wearing it every time I paint! What do you think? : )

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