Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Umpqua River

Click Here to Bid (6x12in. - click image to enlarge!)

This is my second painting from the Umpqua River. I basically turned around right where I was (after the first one) and painted in the other direction. That's how beautiful it all was. I used the same purple ground, and again was very happy with the result. I left my third painting with the owners of the property.


Jo Mendelsohn said...

Hi Carol,
This is lovely. What was your reasoning in using a purple ground?

Caroline Greene said...

I love the zig zag path you take us through in your painting. The trip really seems to have inspired you and shifted something? The owners must've been thrilled with your gift of a painting. Please feel free to come to the UK and paint my back garden...

Rita Kirkman Daily Paintings and Art Journal said...

Oh Carol, you are SO getting good at this landscape thing! This is beautiful! And it's so interesting to see how your your trademark strokes translate a plein air landscape. As they say, it's all value and temperature and getting those big shapes, and YOU are a MASTER!

Carol Marine said...

Thanks Rita! : )

Caroline, yes, I really loved that particular day. It has inspired me to go out and ask permission to paint on people's property more often. Just need to do it now!

Jo, I heard somewhere that purple and orange go really well in landscapes with lots of green and that they kind of tone it down. So I thought it would be good if the ground bits were those colors and kind of popped through in places. Unfortunately I found when I used an orange-y brown ground, any distant blue layers turned kind of gross. So I thought I'd try purple instead (compliment of green) just for kicks. I thought it worked so so well, especially with the distant stuff, since there was already a lot of blue in it. I would probably only do it when there was a dominant amount of green in the scene.

Ellen Friel, NEWS, CA said...

LOVE the purple color ground Carol. I'm thinking this is a Gamlin "Radiant" color? A cool magenta maybe?
Wow ....wonderful!Thank you!

Carol Marine said...

Thanks, Ellen! Actually it's just a mix of aliz crimson and ult blue. But sounds like I should check out this radiant color! : )

Connie Nobbe said...

I really appreciate the tip about the purple and yellow. I had heard somewhere that predominantly green paintings tend to lack appeal, and this sounds like a solution that I am looking forward to trying. Lovely painting, Carol!

Unknown said...

Richard McKinley has written in several posts on the Pastel Painters blog about purple being "the friend of green", he also talks about using purple in landscapes in his DVD Three Stages for Successful Pastel Paintings - very good for any medium really.