
I recently spent some time searching online for some suitable boxes I could buy for shipping larger paintings. Mostly what I found were either way too huge, way too small, and/or not narrow enough. Finally, I landed on some boxes specifically for shipping art that are simply ingenious! The boxes are called
ezartshippers, and you can get them from
aswexpress. They come in 4 sizes: S, M, L & XL (exact dimensions on website). I use these to ship anything 12x12in. and larger. Following are some pictures of me using a "small" box. The best thing? No need for bubble wrap!!!
Thank you for the information on EZ Art Shippers! I was not familiar with them. Sure beats 'making" your own!
WAY COOL! THANKS! I will check this out.
I think my favorite thing you paint is anything white. The oranges are wonderful also and draw your eye right in. Thanks for the heads up on the boxes also. :)
I will use these...thanks for the information!
I LOVE the juicy fresh quality to your work! So happy to have found your blog :)
Hi Carol:
I've never shipped work to a client before, but probably will soon. I am always concerned about the possibility of a panel sticking to packaging...even when a painting is dry (paint sometimes has a weird way of reanimating itself when you least want it to). However, I see you are putting a plastic wrap over your panel. As a pro, would you be able to give me definite assuring words that a painting won't stick to packaging because I want to use this type of shipping SO BADLY!!!!
The plastic wrap thing comes with the box and holds the painting in place. While I assume they had to have thought about it and made it ok for art, I first put my paintings in an archival sleeve (from I do this for all my paintings and ship one almost every day and so far no one has ever complained that the paint sticks. So while these are not DEFINITE assuring words, they're as good as I've got. : )
Thank you for sharing this very valuable info with all of us out here. You are most generous with these type of tips, how sweet of you! Good things happen to really nice people, it's kind of my motto, thanks again.
THANK YOU! And thank you for the tip about I will check them out! -- Patty D.
Wonderful juicy orange slices.
Those oranges really pop out...great dimension! And, I love the tea pots smooth texture combined with the texture of the oranges.
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