Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Reading on the Train


I took the picture for this one on the train into San Francisco from my pal Randi's house. This guy was sitting down the way from me and I said to my friend, "Check out that great light!" She said, "Oh." The train is not a new thing for her, so she sees the same thing all the time. I can only imagine the great pictures I would get if I rode the train every day!!!


Sergio DS said...

Siempre que paso por tu blog me encuentro una nueva y grata sorpresa.
Me gusta el motivo elegido y cómo lo has resuelto.
Espléndida pintura, felicidades. said...

This is a beautiful gestural painting Carol.

Maud Guilfoyle said...

wonderful painting, you captured him perfectly!

Karin Jurick said...

Outstanding Carol.

jill polsby said...

I am absolutely crazy about your new figure work. I think you've probably done a lot in the past but I'm much more aware of your still lifes. This is fabulous. Light, brushwork, colors......wonderful!!

Unknown said...

I love this piece!!! Your colours just zing!!!!! I am following all your instructions on your Artbytes, my colours are getting better, yours are delicious!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

oh the color and the edges.
You see with an artist's eye, that's the difference.

Kathy's Art Blog said...

Carol: When I grow up I want to paint like you. You've captured great moments of people that could never have been posed. Have you ever explained how to take photos of people when you're out and about without them being aware? Love to hear any tips :)