Friday, June 08, 2012

Cool By Association

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Have pity on me, please. Tomorrow I will wake up at 4:30 am, spend all day in airplanes and airports (2 layovers), only to arrive in Albany at 10 pm. Ugh. I am getting there a day early just to recover from the travelling. : ) Yes, I am off to teach a workshop, luckily in beautiful upstate NY!  So I guess you're not having so much pity anymore. Ah well. I will post when I can.


Donna Weathers said...

This darling! Traveling can really test your nerves, can't it!

Anonymous said...

This is just absolutely and fantastically lovely!
-Jennifer in Germany

Pera Schillings said...

Hi Carol,
I love your work!
I try to get through to on my computer and can't access anymore! I am a member: Pera Schillings
Is there a problem with the side?
Please aks David to contact me
Nearly very desperate
from a wintery South Africa