Saturday, March 24, 2012

Shades of Green

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I've decided to take a break from painting. I have to admit I've seen painting as a job for a while. Rather than being excited about getting into my studio I've been apprehensive, and that's not good. I have a whole list of other things I've been wanting to do, and I've given myself permission to do them until I get bored - until I can't WAIT to paint again. I don't know how long it will take, but I will keep you posted. I have one more painting tucked away to post and then I'm out.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lined Up For Slaughter

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I'm alive!! I thought for sure I was going to die the last few days, but as I now remember it turns out when you have the flu you only feel like you're going to die. I woke up in the middle of the night before my last day of class in New Braunfels with an elephant sitting on my head and body. I took massive amounts of pain killer to prop myself up and make it through the day. Then I called my mom and asked if I could visit and have her take care of me until I was better. Finally the elephant moved on ... only to settle on top of my dad. Oh man. So now I'm about ready to head home but I'm leaving pain in my wake. I feel really bad about this!

I hope I didn't also get any of my kids from last week sick! Here are a couple of them from Tuesday, healthy and working intently. You can see they've got the squint thing down ...

The space we were in was very nice, though relatively small. Mary McIntosh's still life collection puts mine to shame. You can only see a little of it on the shelves in these photos, but we had access to lots of great stuff, which came in really handy.

I'll have to post the group photo a little later. I was so out of it the last day - we did take one but not me and I'm having it emailed. I hope all my kids are happy and healthy and painting away!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012



Have you ever sliced an apple in half from the side? The seeds make this very cool star pattern.

Tomorrow I am off to Texas for a workshop in New Braunfels. My flight is early and then because of the time zones and daylight savings I'll be off by three hours. You can bet I'll be asleep early tomorrow night!

Thursday, March 08, 2012


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I LOVE painting eggshells. I could do it all day. I saved these from my breakfast. My husband said, "It's kind of weird that you have eggshells on a plate. And sugar?" But they go together so well, don't they? "Yes, they do. And I guess that's all that matters." Good husband.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

After Breakfast Blues

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You know how when you have a really great breakfast, and you eat it all, and then you're sitting there looking at your plate, wishing you could eat it all over again because it was so good?!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Perfect Pastry

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I found this giant, utterly perfect croissant at our local market. It was just sitting there BEGGING to be painted. And eaten of course. Too bad it wasn't by me. Wheat does horrible things to me. But my son (oh so gleefully) obliged.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Competing with Cheddar

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After we released ArtBytes on Wednesday I took a couple of days to do something completely different. Still creative, but a different avenue. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and look forward to doing more in the future. Click here to see pictures.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Swiss and Gouda

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I've been browsing the fancy cheese section at the grocery store recently. I now judge swiss based on how big the holes are. I get a lot of funny looks, but it's worth it.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Design Meeting

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This is the painting I did for my apple demo ArtByte. I picked apples because I am most comfortable with them, and they seemed like a good subject to start with. I envision doing quite a few more, all on a different subjects: grapes, orange slices, glass, roses, white cups, etc ... even silly faces.

Speaking of ArtBytes, thank you all for the great comments and reviews you've left. I was so nervous about putting them out there, and I don't think I could have gotten a better reception. Thank you thank you!!!