This is a theme with me - 3 cherries in a row. I don't know why I'm so drawn to it. Maybe because they're so shiny and reflective. It's a very happy theme for me. You'll probably see it again.
Tomorrow we're off to see a big castle! We've been to Germany several times now and this will be our first castle-sighting. We're very excited. : )
I hope it's Neuschwanstein! We went there with our family when we lived in Italy while my husband was in the Air Force.
Is that castle you're going to called Neuschwanstein,Carol? It's stunning! That's where Walt Disney got his inspiration for Sleeping Beauty's castle at Disneyland! Boy! I'm a font of useless info tonight. Have a good trip, and I love the cherries!
I can tell they're sweet by their looking! :D
I predict your next series will be..
Three cheery pits.
It's the jackpot, 3 cherries in a row.
Maybe that's your subconscious attraction to them!
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