I am safely in Canada, where the temperatures are nice and cool - a lovely change from our 100+ degrees in Texas. Tomorrow begins the workshop. I will report on it as I am able. Until then, here is more cantelope. I was totally enchanted by the colors in this one.
Great works carol,you have a simple concept but your work is very nice and clean,great mix up of color.Thumbs up.
Canada's a big place. Where exactly ARE you?
Beautiful shaping of the melon. Gorgeous rich color. Stay warm in Canada...lucky students:)
Love the green plate with the colors of the melon. Are you drawn more to color or your objects?
The colors are fantastic and work so well together. Glad you are cool.
Welcome here! (well, I'm in Ontario but still extend a hearty welcome ; ) Look forward to your pics.
Nice one Carol
We cannot get outside of our eyes or brain to find out, but we do know that when the sun or light disappears; color vanishes. We take colors for granted. It's only when we are actually drawing or painting that we realize how much value color brings to our daily life.
Kaitlyn said:
I think it's so cool how you can see the green rind if you kinda look for it but if you aren't looking it kinda blends into the orange. It's beautiful!
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