Sometimes it is such a relief to return to something familiar. For me that's apples. Someday I'll actually count how many I've painted, but for now lets just say - lots! So when something else isn't working out and I'm feeling frustrated, I give myself a little confidence boost by painting something I know well.
This is a good one--you are good at them. Love the color combination.
Such a stunning piece !
I learned to improve my paintings by watching your apples, seeing as you do the shadows, grays and the use of as few brushstrokes to get shapes. In these, I can see new shades. Thanks Carol.
How beautiful this is! It is passionate and intense. No one does it better than you, Carol!
One of my favorite apple paintings of yours EVER! I'm going to go eat an apple now, and paint one later.
I love the colors in this one Miss Carol!
Stunning as usual. I'd like to be a mind reader and see how you come up with the perfect values all the time!
Everyone has their favorite fruit or vegetable to paint. I think for me it's peppers.Your apples are wonderful and I like the shade of green you chose to compliment them,just wonderful
"What's the secret" is just amazing dynamic design sense and look at that brushwork. Each apple is just fabulous. Love the shadows:) Wonderful colors- gotta love the apple in the bowl. You are just the best!
You do paint them exceptionally well. I've really enjoyed watching you paint out of your comfort zone though. You may feel frustrated - but the end results you show here are always impressive!
So vibrant and fresh!
lovely,thanks for make me happy wen i see your big work,and sorry my horrible english
So gorgeous!
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