Well, it's that time of the month again. No no, it's not what you're thinking. It seems to come in cycles, and I haven't kept a record, but it seems to be a monthly thing. Blocks. You know, those days where you go in the studio and absolutely nothing works. And after a few days you become desperately afraid that it's all ended - you'll never paint another decent thing again in your life. That was me last week. My tactic this time? Avoidance. I took a breather - stayed out of the studio for a few days - worked on other things. When I went back, I picked up my trusty apple, set it up 10,000 ways, and finally settled on this simple composition. I thought I probably shouldn't press my luck, so I packed it up and called it a day. The next day was better. Whew.
You are so darn funny!!!
Honestly, you have no idea how much I needed to hear this! sometimes I think I am the only one that goes through this kinda thing....good to know even the really good artists(you) go through it too. Thanks for your daily inspiration.
this turned out really nice! :D
Candy Apple! Speaking of which.. buy a real one and paint it. You were born to paint a real candy apple. :) (just a suggestion)
I love that you share your vulnerabilities and fears... thank you so much.
It helps to know that even such a fabulous, experienced artist as you feels what I feel from time to time.
Sometimes I paint a wonderful painting and look at it for a long time afterwards fearing that I'll never have that "spark" again... but as you indicate... the solution is to just keep on painting.
And, it's okay if they're not all homeruns... making it across the home plate is what matters! (sorry for the sappy baseball metaphor... but it's true!)
ps... the painting is gorgeous!
hi Carol. I found your blog is so inspiring since you've set yourself for a painting, a day. I also love your playful style of paintings with wonderful choice of colors. Thanks for sharing your passion :)
I feel better now.
I thought I was the only one that was blocked this week!
THis is- as always- delish.
Success! Love it!
I wish that when I have my blocks I can then come up with a painting like this!! Beautiful! :)
I broke my leg (pretty bad) and was unable to paint for a couple of weeks (pain killers and logistics)...I felt exactly like that and it was so wonderful to finally get one done and have it turn out....you continue to be an inspiration to me....thanks....I am hungry and that apple looks delicious
I just love your apples, and I remain simply amazed at how you always come up with something different and compelling. It's a gorgeous painting.
And like a few of your other commenters have said, I am going through this exact same feeling right now! I hate it, I wish I knew what caused it so I could stop it before it even starts.
Maybe it's just the price we have to pay for having those awesome, amazing, crazy-good-feels-like-your-high-but-not-in-an-illegal-way (I repeat, not in an illegal way, more like a runner's high), feelings that come when we're painting and it's flowing and we're pretty sure that what we just created is the best painting evah done by our hand.
So, yeah, now that I've rambled infinitely on I will go. Just thanks for sharing, not only your amazingly beautiful art, but also your thoughts. It's good to know we're not alone in the trenches. :)
Oh...I feel so comforted now that I know that even YOU go through those "blues"...My only mistake is not fighting back like you do. Thanks Carol. You are amazing and your paintings are gorgeous!
Carol, Really like this painting- as always, stellar brushwork and your values on even the inside of the apple are just gorgeous.
I think you give so much to all of us that you just get "give out". Good for you to recharge- I always appreciate learning so much from "the big girls". Thanks!
We love you Carol! Oh and your artwork, woo.
Though we all can relate to that "i'll never paint again" feeling you, of all painters, should know better. But I suppose you are genuinely unaware of your real gift. You have something that most of us only dream of. Not just some talent but a truly unique voice. So many painters are trying to emulate your work. What a compliment! I never get tired of looking at your stuff. So fresh...so alive... so rich... so compelling!
Paint on girl!
Thanks Carol for sharing the processes, the emotions and the stories behind your artwork, with such honesty. Cheers, for creating another amazing piece of art.
Great Apple! Thank you for sharing! I enjoyed taking your class during your visit to NC. Keep up the good work. Thanks, Douglas W Clark
I've had the same kind of days. A break usually helps. From the looks of your painting, the break was truly worth it.
Your painting is fresh and vibrant.
You're very inspirational.
An artist friend of mine once comforted me when I was in that place, saying, "the older I get the less I think it will never come back..." Small comfort at the time, but it turned out he was right!
If this great apple comes after a block, I want a block :)
sometimes I get so anxious setting up my still lives. It's the 10,001st one that works every time.
Love it dear!
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