You've heard the deal about ... if you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be. Well, 2 of my top choices, both still alive, would be Karin Jurick and Neil Hollingsworth. So tonight's dinner was a dream come true! I forgot my camera or else I would have gotten a picture with them to prove it. Two of the nicest, most down to earth people in the world, and both AMAZING artists!! I am so lucky.
My dream come true would have been to walk in on that dinner! My three favorite artists in one place~
Pile of Sweet seems to be a good title for the painting and your trip to Georgia! Wonderful painting and sounds like an amazing evening for all of you! Talk about some talent all the way around that dinner table- Sweet for sure!
Wow. Wow! The star-wattage from that table probably lit the room! 3 of my all-time favorites :)
Wow! All that talent at one table! Wish I could have been a fly on the wall (not on the food!). I'm sure I would have learned a lot and enjoyed every minute. :)
I am an Australian artist and I just wanted to say how much I enjoy logging on to your blog. Your work is inspiring and your approach fresh. I have learnt so much just reading your comments and accessing artists that you recommend. Cheers and thank you.
You were so lucky!!!! Nice work, I realy enjoy these pieces!
Oh I love Karin as well. You're both wonderful! More mush to come...
Really cool Carol! They're pretty lucky too IMHO.
I thought the evening ended too soon - and it was MY pleasure being in the company of two of my favorite men (Brett included, and our good friend Neil) and you Carol - one of the most delightful, gifted women I know.
Carol, It sounds like an amazing evening! I'd never seen Neil's work before so it was treat to discover it on Karin's blog today.
It was obviously a glaring omission to leave me out of the ensemble Carol, and I'm sure just an oversight on your part......ahem. Okay, so I'm 5,000 miles away, but REALLY !
Hi Neil, Carol and Karin
I'm SO delighted to read about your meeting. Your comment about artists leading isolated lives is so true - thank God for the wonders of the internet. The power and value of connection should never be underestimated! Thank you all three for your wonderful contribution to the creative world. One day I will meet you ALL!
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