Woops - someone let me know the shoes I posted yesterday weren't actually Mary Janes. Sorry about that. My style of shoes (that I wear) usually revolve around hiking or running, so I'm not versed on the lingo. Today's shoes I'm calling "killer" because they kill feet. On the two or three occasions that I've worn heels higher than half an inch, my feet almost died. I don't understand women who wear these on a regular basis. I mean, I know they look good, but is it worth the pain?!?
Love red and love this painting! BTW I am trying really hard to come up with something I can paint for this weeks challenge that will communicate to ME that I get the concept lol Plus I wanna try the Munsell which was foreign to me -so thanks for the great challenge :D
Awww, who needs to wear those high heel red shoes when you can paint them like THAT! Wow!
Have learned a LOT from the challenges!
Beautiful painting and such an apt title! :)
In a word YES! Love killer heels... and love these orange ones Carol. I love painting heels too. Have done since I was 10 [clearly something I never got over] (((chuckles)))
Great work! :-)
I predict at least a $300 winning bid for the painting. Much sexier than the MJ's. There is a market out there for this type of art. I'm just saying..
Ouch... Love the variations of red and orange.
The best thing to do with high heels is to paint them, not wear them.
Wow! For a woman who lives in running shoes, you sure know your way around dressy footwear! I love them BOTH!
I have a funny shoe story that I will tell you sometime... but I'm with you in the comfort department! Still... red high heels..... somehow.... I want them...
When I first read this post, i thought it said "I know they look good, but is it worth the PAINT?" and I'm shouting "YES, CAROL, YES" ....only to reread it, oops...note to self--consume caffeine BEFORE reading email.
It is a lovely painting, Carol. BTW, these heels appear to be 3-4 inches. Have you seen the popular 6" platforms in the stores? (no kidding).
I love red also and these are killer because of the brushwork! I am loving the inside of that right shoe and the subtle gray insole...that is killer! Sweet!
Killer in more ways than one! Love that red.
my favorite part is the "silver" affect of the insole....very cool with warm shadows....love that...I haven't worn heels since I was 19 (40 years ago!)
Ok..I know I've already commented on this painting! Since last evening I have probably viewed it over a 100 times..I love the red, the silver insole, the shadows, the brush strokes..everything! and I l want to thank you for creating and sharing such beautiful art :) You are very inspiring.
I'm with ya - certainly not worth the pain. Beautifully painted though!
Great brush strokes, Carol! I guess wearing them is a decision you make when you are trying to "catch" something...When I limped around in these types of shoes 15 years ago, I was also highlighting my hair, working out at the gym six days a week and wearing fake nails, and Victoria's Secret push-ups...all painful and inconvenient or expensive!
Great subject and you made them look sooooo appealing! Love your work, Carol!
I love your shoe paintings. The bright red is great. My feeling on the super high heels is when the men designing them start wearing them maybe I will too. :o)
wicked awesome!!
The little hint of the silver insole is fabulous. I still try on 'impossible' shoes at the big shoe stores....just for fun ;)
Do you buy the shoes at Goodwill and return them and buy some more?
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