Whenever I return to still lifes after a trip I always have a day or two of frustration. I'm usually a little grumpy, and my husband has learned to make a wide berth. I did this one a few days after we returned from Germany and afterwards I walked back into the house smiling. I said to my husband "I remembered how to paint!" He said "you look like you just had a paint-gasm."
Below are my demos from last week. I apologize for the terrible photos. We had one day of plein air, and I was shaking in my boots getting ready for the demo. I was walking around before class trying to find a spot that I was not only inspired by, but had enough room for the whole class to watch. A fellow saw me with my viewfinder and asked if I was taking photos. : ) I said no, I was looking for a place to paint and he said "use my yard!" I think he meant for us to paint his flowers, but I was captivated by the jeep across the street and leaning garage behind it and it all worked out splendidly, all from this nice fellow's yard. Whew!