I am back from Colorado and ready to report. First of all, it was FABULOUS! After 2 days in the car with my family, I met up with Penny Lentz (blog) and James Coulter (blog) in Cortez and then painted for a couple of days in and around Rico (my fam stayed in Silverton the entire time). While in Rico we bumped into Jill Carver. Before I knew she was there or where her house was, I ended up painting the house right next to hers - this pink one above - totally randomly. Pretty cool. At this point I was still warming up. I got a call from my husband and told him I'd painted some semi's and a house - he said "this is why we drove all the way to Colorado?"
LOL-my husband would say the same thing. Sounds like it was an awesome trip! Can't wait to see more...
Just heard you on the "radio". You did a great job. Thanks for all the good info.
::::giggle::::: ditto for my husband.
I drive all over New England to paint lobster boats and cottages and I'm living 2 miles from a working harbor in a neighborhood of old cottages ;)
it IS about the trip.
I love the pink house.
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