With any luck we are in the air this minute, almost back to Texas (I am preposting this). I had a lot of fun with this setup. I've always loved organizing things into rows and stacks. For some reason the stack of oranges especially makes me smile. Don't ask me why.
Happy New Year!!
Wow Carol....you are starting the year off with a bang!! Look at that orange! I know why you are smiling:)
Hope you had a good flight back and that you got out of snowy Germany ok........
Happy New Year,,,,guten Rutsch!!
Happy New Year Carol. Best wishes from Greece.
Welcome back to the USA! What a happy painting to see early this New Year's Day. Blessings to you Carol and yours this new year and always!
I love this one Carol. Those oranges really pop. I hope you are safely back home by now.
These cherries look like they are gossiping on the sidelines at a party.
Great balancing act between tall and short, circle and oblong. I like those oranges too!
Happy New Year!
Happy new year from germany have a good return to Texas
What a great composition and interesting choice and display of objects. Very sunny colors too! Happy New Year Carol!
I think this is a party composed of all your favorite props. The cherries, as Possibilities Etc suggested, are gossiping on the sidelines. And the oranges are, of course, the life of the party!
What a cute fun painting. I like the cherries all lined up and the oranges stacked. Wonderful colors.
Safe Journey and Welcome home!!
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