Cherries are in season again - wahoo! I'll be leaving on Wednesday for Colorado. I'm driving up to paint with a couple of buddies of mine for a week. I've heard I should be able to schedule posts ahead of time, and since I'm ahead with my paintings and won't have reliable internet I thought I'd try that. I know it won't be as ... cool, but it's what I've got.
Hey there. Just wondering if you got my email message about the upcoming radio show. All you need is a phone ... let me know!
Don't know where in Colorado you're visiting, Carol, but in the NW part of the state you can buy cherries and fresh squeezed cherry juice by the gallon from roadside stands (at least you could when I was in college). Yummy! Great painting and lovely pallette. Your browns are just so lucscious and true (not muddy). Have fun!
The deep red of the cherries and the vibrant orange of the bowl....the touch of bling,,,,this warm brown background...mmmmmm love this piece!
Sweet. I adore cherries. Can't get enough of them in the summer. Eating some Rainier's right now. Please let us know how the scheduled posts work out.
This is sooooooo rich! The glow of the browns and golds. The little touches of compliments in the white cup. Color play is what its all about.
Wunderbar!!!! ;)
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