I will never again trust weather reports. Yesterday it was supposed to rain so I planned not to paint, and it was beautiful all day. Today it was supposed to rain and I went out anyway. Unfortunately, while it only drizzled a tiny bit, the sun would come out for 5 minutes and then go away for 5 minutes, and so on. I've decided these are the most difficult conditions to paint in. The painting you're seeing above is from a few days ago as I am behind in posting. I am particularly pleased with it.
Carol, I have been following your brilliant blog from the UK for only a few months. It is so interesting to see you encounter our European weather when so often your outdoor subjects at home have such strong lighting conditions to paint by. What you describe today is very typical over here and you have done well to evoke the damp shadows and more lukewarm light we have across western Europe.
Hi Carol.
You should be pleased with it, I think it`s brilliant. Although I like your still life paintings, your landscapes are fantastic. Well done and all the best.
Great light and shadows Carol.
I run oil painting courses outdoors at Woolacombe on the South West Coast of Devon,here in the UK, and these tricky weather conditions you describe, are the constant challenge in my daily planning.
The forecasts as you quite rightly say, beggar belief some days!!
It keeps you on your toes though!
Good luck with the weather and happy painting!
Love the shadows across the road!
oooh that's nice.
You are pleased with this and I can see why. Everything feels right about it! Am so enjoying seeing your work from abroad--and admire your consistency to work no matter where you are...:))
Hi Carol, Check out Jennifer's blog when you have time over there. She's mentioned you (brilliantly) on her blog and has some photos. I saw all of the wonderful weather you were talking about in Sedonna. Bravo!
Your paintings are a joy to me, but especially your posts from Germany. I was there (Bitburg) in 98 with my Mom, visiting the small town where I was born 50-some years ago(Air Force brat). I lost my Mom unexpectedly this Feb, so these paintings have given me a lovely gift of special memories from that wonderful trip. Thank you!
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