Most German houses are ... complicated. Or in art terms, busy. Lots of light bits and dark bits and stuff going on. Not to mention the immaculate shrubs and gardens all around. These two houses were relatively simple, and I was especially taken by the shadows. I've learned that one must paint first the parts that are going to change fast. In this case, I started with the light parts on the houses, then worked on the shadows, then the rest.
Wow, wow, wow. Absolutely beautiful. You totally nailed these houses. So much, but so simple. I wish I could do this!
You are very right, Carol O:-) The smaller the gardens the more complicated it gets. I live in a row of houses that gets more and more colourful. Don't ask about the gardens in the back.
Your shadows are great!!!
This is gorgeous. So summery and refreshing. Very welcoming. You've got this plein air thing down now! Congrats!
What a heavenly light/shadow effect. and I love that the window edges are softly handled, yet have alot of depth - super...
Inspiring stuff as always :)
great to see these beautiful landscapes..would love to see some portraits as well :)
Thank you for sharing these beauties.
I really love your edges in this one Carol. Light is great too!
Great shapes! Great shadows! Awesome painting Carol. Ja, das ist gut.
Carol - you are so inspiring. I love your paintings - I've told about you on my blog and linked to you - hope it's alright - love from Anette in Denmark
Hi Carol, like the simple handling of this one...simple handling that takes lots of practice by the way. All the best, Steve.
Just love your brush work, Great Comp
really like the reflected light in the shadows
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