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This morning I walked into town again and painted a terrible cityscape. As my students know, I've never been crazy about the warm/cool idea. It makes sense, but I don't see the practical application in still lifes, especially since lights and shadows can be affected by so many things (ie. light reflecting in from somewhere else, something half in shadow, the color of the light vs. any other lights nearby, etc.). I prefer to just paint what I see. But with landscapes I can see the value of thinking in terms of warm & cool, or rather, warmER & coolER, since there is just one light source (generally) and it is warm. I'm finding it's important to work out right away the difference between what's in the light and what's in the shadow. What's eating me though, is how to establish the warms and cools in the distance, when everthing in the distance is getting cooler.
This afternoon I hiked up into the forest and found a gorgeous spot with absolutely no one around. I had a great time and painted what you see above. Unfortunately the spot was so secluded I got the jitters a little, thinking something was going to jump out and eat me at any moment. Are there artist eating monsters in Germany? The title means "In the Black Forest".
wow this is really interesting. It almost looks like you had pieces of colored construction paper and glued them in their proper place. I love the fresh clean color, just like the air of this day I imagine.
I am so enjoying Germany through your art!!! lovely paintings. I think you did fine with your warms and cools in the background the warm underpainting peeking through the background is just the right touch! Love the hint of pink in the foreground. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Jan
Carol, thanks for being SO honest! Most artists at your level never admit their weak spots. You make me feel better about mine!
HI Carol, I'm not sure about the 'artists eating monsters in Germany' but from my many experiences there have been 'artist eating DOGS' in Montana and Minnesota! Be careful! I carry bear mase with me now, seriously!
I've been watching and admiring your work for some time now and LOVE what you do with your still life pieces. :) It's fun to see your landscape work now! Keep at it for sure!
It's interesting to me to hear your thoughts on landscape and color temps. There are just so many variables outside that come to play I do like to think of temp outside and in but most of all just color temp relationships. It gets cooler of coarse but there is still warmth in the distance, just 'coolER'. Well, anyway. I'm off on a tangent again. I like what you're doing, it's inspiring! Happy Painting in Germany and don't get eaten by 'monsters'!
I am loving your impressions of Germany....yes, we definitely have "artist eating monsters" in Germany :)) you should be glad you are still alive girl!!!! :))
Yeah, Black Forest sounds so sinister, unless it's cake :D
Great little landscapes, Carol.
How exciting for you!
I am a new visitor to your site and just love your work. Wish I could attend your 5-day workshop coming up in Jacksonville but can't get off work that many days at this time. Maybe when you come back in the spring! My question - about how long does it take you to paint these small daily works? It sounds like you are doing these en plein aire?
Thank you all so much for the kind comments and support! So far I have managed to avoid the monsters. : )
Holly- I finish these small landscapes in an hour or two. My experience is that the light changes way too much for anything longer. Yes, they are all plein air. Someday I would like to do my sketches outside and then do larger peices inside, but at this point I am mostly just experimenting and having fun. I am still primarily a still life painter.
Beautiful paintings!!!!
Creat inspiration.
Love and light
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful paintings. You are very talented. Id love to visit one of your classes. Please inform me of any future Texas (Dallas/FortWorth)classes. I live in Arlington, Texas and would love to sign up.
Thank you,
Barbara Lemley
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