I went to town with strawberries today. I did a couple of middle size paintings with them for my upcoming show. I'll post one tomorrow. Unfortunately the camera doesn't catch all the subtleties that happen in the red parts. I don't know how to get around that.
I wish I could see this one up close and personal. And how many paintings did you do today? You are amazing! Please come to California for a workshop ... hint hint ... if I keep this up (begging that is) then maybe you will ...
Ahhh, love that red. Very descriptive strokes.
The reds look great. I think we all sometimes wonder why our reds don't photo well; maybe it's in the pigments.
Carol you've painted a picture of miniature red peppers.....those stark white highlights can only be read as glints of light from a shiny surface, i.e., a red pepper.
Only the leaves on the end give a clue, and they are confusing to the eye because the red surface looks so slick.
Try, try, try again.
See today's Daily Painting of strawberries by Nel Jansson....
I painted my first 6x6 on March 31st and it had a strawberry in it. I like the look you got on the leaves...more crinkled up like they are. Mine look like an aloe vera plant. see it on leoraplatteartist.blogspot.com
I think my question may be answered here, with this color scheme.
You have the primary red, the opposite green and the adjacent yellow orange as the third color.
Do I recognize that yellow fabric ;)
You are just so inspiring! I love visiting your blog!
I'm passing on the "Passion for Painting" award to you. Visit my blog for details.
I just keep coming back to this one. I love how you have made these so obviously strawberries with just a few (and the just the right) strokes. The shapes, those few white speckles and the wonderful leaves. And the composition is so compelling. Really really nice!
Should have previewed that comment. I know those speckles are not really white! ;)
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