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When I was a Junior in HS I lived in Seattle with some friends. If you're not familiar with the weather there, it tends to be overcast almost every single day. It doesn't necessarily rain every day ... more like drizzles often. And in the winter you go to school in the dark and get out an hour before sunset ... or something like that. I found myself drawing big elaborate designs on the backs of my hands when I should have been listening to my teachers. One day a friend suggested they looked like big suns. Duh! I was missing the sun. I think now I am painting peaceful paintings because my life is totally insane and crazy busy. Speaking of, if you're wondering what happened to progress on my studio, it's on a (scheduled) pause while we get the old house ready for the market (wish us luck).
Nice. I like the clear glass you have the flower in, the shadows and highlights are bold on it and it has that depth the last one did. Very serene.
I know what you mean about painting happy serene subjects when life is hard. I get a lot of pain days and do the same thing.
You're doing great in life, so don't worry about whether you should've been paying attention to a teacher in school. You probably weren't missing anything important. I don't have a high opinion of schools.
I guess you haven't written a book as yet (too busy painting)... but can you recommend any book that helped you with this this style of 'big brush - tonal - small scale work' as your courses are too far away from me in Wales UK.
You are getting a lot of value from your little yellow flower!!
OOOh boy that shadow shape is SO beautiful.
Hi Carol! The busy crazy days will not last forever. We moved about 9 x the first 10 yrs of marriage...We tried to have our decor coordinate with the color of moving boxes so we didnt have to unpack everthing unneccesarily!!!! Hang on! BTW, you had a wonderful effect on my art, thanks again for the workshop!
I love your style. So much to look at in every painting. Colorful and exciting.
Love the shadow shape! It really sets off the flower. Good luck with the home sale.... a good time for 1st time buyers!
these last two are really beauties. I adore the red vase in the last one--and love the green in this one. re: the other painting, you'll be glad you made the effort--freshly painted homes that sparkle really speak to potential buyers. and your new home will be that much more enjoyable when the old one is removed from your neck. : )
Love your work and can't wait to meet you in FL.
I love this one. It feels so much bigger, too, for some reason.
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