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When I first set this up I thought - oh no that's way too difficult. But I really liked the light on the flower and the ground through the jar. So I did it anyway, and I'm really thrilled with how it turned out. My secret? Squint squint squint squint squint squint squint.
I am trying to squint as I type this and it is not working ... hah. You really nailed the light in this one. I do have a question - do you plan on holding any workshops in California or is Arizona the closest you will be?
It's amazing how you make the difficult look easy. This is beautiful! How many people would think of painting the back of the flower? You consistently inspire me to stretch my creative limits.
You are amazing. You take a handfull of strokes and with that you make a masterpiece!
I like it! Squnt squint squint squint squint squint squint................. jM
Glad you're back safe & sound from the Florida workshop. And this painting, is indeed, a beauty, Sometimes doing painting that I 'fear' I come up with my best pieces so I really identify with your feelings. Maybe because I view it as 'too difficult' I pay closer attention... squint more... but whatever you did.. it worked!
My lord, what a beauty. Such a wonderful sense of light. The shadow sides are keep so rich with those deep orange/reds. I love it. :)
Looks like you're back in the groove. Neet-o!
Oh, it's an azaela! ;>
Bee-u-ti-ful!! I tell my students all the time - squint squint squint - they think I'm a bit nuts - but it works! :)
Re: squinting....
I've worked with many calligraphers/ type setters and more than one has said that ,when lettering, squinting at the text should result in viewing ' gray ' word forms with no noticeable gaps. Just another facet of squinting. HA! this message paid for by BOTOX...not.
Hi Carol.I've to admit that I really enjoy your paintings, in fact I came to know your blog while reading an iranian blog named "a man called old fashioned" and since then every post you publish fascinates me without exception. I like the way you treat shadows in your paintings ; in this particular work the white touches of the brush are marvelous...
I tell my students to squint add nausium.
'a big sigh......ppppphw' how does do it?
Gorgeous. My favorite part is where the canvas texture shows through on the neck of the glass.
love it!!!
Love how the stem "shifts" in the water.
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