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Wow, thank you for the all the great emails/comments regarding my recent struggles! I am feeling much better today. One of the things I realized I want to do more of ... is play around with COLOR! When I close my eyes at night I see all kinds of neat color combinations, but all of them hazy and unclear. The best I can do during the day is try out different color combinations until I find things I like. I believe this photo is a bit too dark, and I am having trouble lightening it without losing too much info ... so I will retake the photo and post it tomorrow. I really like it, so I want to do it justice.
WOW is all I have to say!!! I love the colors and composition.
I'm officially addicted to your blog. I'm in love with the way you use color and I visit often for a little inspiration. Do you ever teach workshops in Southern California??? I would love that!
carole - i am blown away by your work! - i just yesterday started my own "painting a day" blog, a bit overwhelming, i admit - but after 5 grandkids and a golden retriever taking up my time for the past several years, i think i'm ready to get back to painting more full time and you are such an inspiration! - each piece is a little gem and i love your comments about your daily struggles - i plan to follow your daily progress and hope to have as much inner success as you obviously have. your love for your work comes smiling through - thanks for the nudge - i think i'm ready! - susie gregory.blogspot.com
I am your newst blog fan! Your color use is amazing and I love your style. The only bad thing is after viewing your amazing daily paintings I think I should throw out my palette knife and quit painting! I also would love to know if you ever teach workshops in Southern California.
Carol, I am also a mom, I have two boys 14, and 11 and I remember the days of trying to paint when they would nap, hiring someone to sit a couple of days a week and so on, just like you. So I always felt that I had to turn out something on those days or else all the sacrifice was a waste. What I've learned is that you have to fill your cup every once in a while. Your creative cup. Go to a museum, see the brush strokes in person, they get lost in books, experience the size of them, even paint a completly different subject matter. Just breath, it's not a race, it's a journey.
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