This color combination makes me very happy. It's funny too, because I'm not big on yellow by itself, or purple either for that matter. But something about the yellow, purple AND orangey brown make this all come together for me. I love looking at the color wheel and playing around with different combinations, but mostly, when I'm composing, I go by instinct. I play around with my subject and all sorts of grounds, and stop when it looks "right." A lot of times I can then go to the color wheel and see that if follows some scheme or other ... but I don't start out with a scheme in mind. I wonder how other people do it ...
These are all beautiful. You drive me crazy because it looks so easy/breezy in your work. I know how tough this is. I can't do it and I'm really trying! Thanks for sharing your daily work.
I wish just viewing would rub off on me, Carol! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Gotta a quick question for Carol or others out there...the recommended clip on lamp for still life set ups @ Carol's seminars...what type of bulb is good for them?? I was stumped by all the choices @ Lowe's! ...duh!
Thanks for any help...Eva
Oooh, Purple and orange. I love it!
I think that is the best thing about your paintings, color. It is really important to you and it shows. Sometime would you list the colors in your palette again? Please
I especially like the apple on the far right. It is blushing slightly, almost imperceptibly.
I try to create a color scheme at the beginning. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
I had a tough time yesterday under cloudy conditions, trying to paint a red chair in front of a gray shingle cottage. I wanted to find a 'greeny' tone to go with but it was futile. I'm going to Gruppe's Color book to see if I can pick up some info to make it work.
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