I love dots. They make me happy. : ) Today I FINALLY got my batik materials in the mail and will be trying them out as soon as I get some white fabric to experiment with. About the time I mentioned batik I got an email from Melody Johnson who suggested I try stamping fabric with acrylic paint instead, and so I've been experimenting with that as well. I'll use my new patterns soon!
Hi Carol
Greetings from France
Melody's idea is good, I once did this, but if you want the fabrics to drape in a fluid way then the acrylic stamped areas go a bit stiff. Works fine if the fabric is just to be laid flat though.
Love your daily postings. (and dots and stripes!)
Carol these are beautiful - you've caught the translucent skin of the plums perfectly!
Do you take requests ?
How about one with organic celery and carrots ?
I'm enjoying this series of work. keep it up.
I really like your work, and your style of painting, I was curious if you'd be interested in adding my link to your blog. I've had a link to yours up for some time now. My blog is austinmaloney.com and my email is amaloneyart@gmail.com
Best wishes,
Austin Maloney
Carol, i recently discovered your site and love the freshness of your work. you're right, this is a happy painting. i love it!
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