I am very happy with how this one turned out. I decided to paint fast and furious and thick. ThickER anyway - I paint fairly thin usually. And I just kept squinting at the shapes and colors and putting down what I saw ... and ... well ... it looks like radishes and radish reflections! Which is what it was - thankfully. : )
I had dinner tonight with Karin Jurick. She DROVE all the way here from Georgia for our workshop this weekend. She's way cool in person - this is going to be a great workshop!
That's a beauty Carol, lovely colors.
Those radishes are totally cool. And, I SO wanted to take that workshop with the both of you. Until we sell our restaurant, those kind of things will have to wait. But when it does....look out!
I love this one!
Sara Mathewson
Carol, did you ever decide about having people just take the portion of the class about blogs, etc? I believe you mentioned earlier that you would charge $25 for that portion but I never saw any follow-up. Please let me know as I am very interested. Thanks!
These look so vivacious. I like the reflections, they really fill the piece, there is something macro impressionistic about it.
Hi Carol
This painting and the colors are wonderful and spontaneous. The break was certainly good for you!
Ebay has changed their categories for self representing artist...you should check your listings because they are showing up in "Direct from the Artist" "other". I had to go in and change mine. Just a heads up!
Carol, I would LOVE to be with you and Karin this weekend! I know you will have a ball. Isn't it wonderful to be with other artists who have a passion for painting! I'll be eagerly awaiting to read the "Workshop Tales". Good luck to you both.
Amazing control. Fantastic finish.
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