I came up with this title all by myself! I've very happy with this one. I'm not sure why but it just speaks to me.
I posted a picture of my still life setup the other day and got lots of questions. Today, while painting large, I had my stepdaughter take a break from watching my son (yes, she's our little nanny 2 days a week and it's working out splendidly!) to take a picture of me in my studio. Someone asked if my setup is tilted back at all, and as you can see here it is. It's a happy accident, and I didn't even notice until someone asked. My palette is to the right on top of a big red rolly thing (as I call it). My easel is way high tech - I have to prop my panels up on old stretchers to paint. Someday I'll have a better one. I have plenty of room to back up and do so regularly - every few strokes! And in case you're interested, I listen to Radio Paradise exclusively while I paint. Please forgive my pajama bottoms.
Awesome! Good one. I like everything about it including your title.
The color transition of those dots as they move into the shadow is so right on Carol.
Thanks for sharing the pic of you painting.
I'm really enjoying hearing more and more about your process.
Love the pajama bottoms.
'fraid I don't love your radio, though.
Music that driving would make me too anxious.
I tend to listen to soft rock and bluegrass.
Ha! I just love these setup pictures. Thanks for sharing Carol. It's so nice to see behind the curtain. :)
Someone refresh my memory: What's the light setup again? The black light look nice and fancy.
Thanks you guys! It’s just the stand that’s fancy. The light in the stand is a simple “white” (actually fairly yellow) spotlight bulb I bought at Target (can get it just about anywhere). I also have a “true white” bulb ($15 at a lightbulb store – VERY white) in my smaller lamp that I sometimes use in conjunction with the more yellow spotlight. If I shine the white light up inside my box and let it reflect off the white cloth it tends to lighten up my shadows (and make them a little blue) without creating a second shadow line. Does that make sense? Can you tell I think in pictures and not words?! : )
That's a snazzy set-up. I like the way you control the light.
Love the pj's. Why not? I say.
You have a way with those dotted fabrics. Just so right on!
Dear Carol,
Thank you so much. Now it makes sense.
Have a nice weekend,
hi carol
enjoy watching your paintings unfold. I've added you to my blog.
Just started visiting your blog .. WOW. I can see why everyone sings your praises. You make it look easy, and as a beginner I can tell you, it is NOT. Thank you for sharing your studio with us.
I like much of Radio Paradise's playlist... but unlike Tara (comment above), I find much of it too slow... :)
I also often paint in my jam bottoms.
I like your 'no frills' set up, I bet you could paint under any conditions!
I was wondering if you use a variety of size brushes on these daily paintings or just one brush...there is a kind of uniformity overall that makes me think that you might be using one brush...just being nosey ;)
Michael- Are you saying my studio is -gasp- ugly??? If you saw the rest you would see it's a little better, but yes, it's purely utilitatarian. : ) To answer your question, yes I use 3 brushes. One kind of wide pointy brush to put down the ground and the drawing. Two flats of varying sizes for the rest.
great stuff Carol -- it's always nice to see another artist's setup. And by the way, your studio is pristine compared to mine. -- Kevin
Finally a look at the real glamour of painting.
Beautiful work, as always.
that piece you're working on looks great
You use your light like you have theater background. All of my clothes eventually turn into "painting clothes". After visiting Jonas Gerard's studio and watching him paint I listen to Cuban music a lot.
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