I think there's something to be said for warm vs. cool when it comes to shadows and light, especially when the light you're using is yellow (or when you're outside - yellow again). In the only workshop I ever took the teacher discounted the whole warm/cool "thing", so I decided to too. But I think there's something to it.
Today was a good day for me. I got a call from the Cohen-Rese Gallery in San Francisco wanting me to send a couple of paintings in for possible representation! They were among the 10 I submitted my work to last week.
I also (not today) got an invitation to teach a workshop in Jacksonville Florida at the Corse Gallery and Atelier (and show my work at their gallery). It will be a 3-day daily painting workshop the last 3 days in October, and I will post the registration info in the column to the right of this with my other workshops, and on my website.
Carol, congratulations on all the interest in your work, both for representation at the galleries and for workshops!!! You are so deserving of the recognition.... And I know that your great, open & friendly personality, as well as your encouragement and willingness to teach us all.... won't change once you are filthy rich and famous!!!! Keep up the great work - you inspire so many of us! :-)
Congratulations and best wishes Carol, I'm so happy for you and so glad I have a few of your paintings because I just feel that I'm not going to be able to afford original Carol Marine art work much longer. :o) It will be fun to say that I participated in Carol's 2nd ever workshop way back when. Don't forget us when you're richer and even more famous!
I told you you wouldn't have any problems getting into the galleries you wanted to! Congrats, and I love this piece. You know I'm a sucker for those polka dots.
Congratulations and ditto to all of the previously posted comments. Well deserved!
"In the only workshop I ever took the teacher discounted the whole warm/cool thing, so I decided to too. But I think there's something to it".
Carol, To what purpose did this teacher discount warm/cool and what exactly are your views now on seeing and painting warm/cool? When viewing your many previous paintings, I never would have thought you were not seeing and painting warm and cool colors.
Many congratulations, Carol - very exciting news about the potential new gallery, and the new workshop opportunity; I'm very happy for you!
I echo William's comment - you seem to have instinctively used warm/cool concepts in your work all along - its dramatic in your 3 Bananas posted Jan. 20, and in Stem Shadow of Jan 22 more subtle, but essential in getting that gorgeous light.
I am so proud of you Carol - a gallery in San Fransico - !!! and this is just the beginning ..I cant wait to see what other ones you get into. I love everybody's comments and I also love this painting it is so nice - the way the shadow is connected - great composition
Thank you all so much for your kind support! I get so much from reading your comments every day - I really appreciate it!
As for the whole warm/cool "thing" - : ) - I've always just painted what I see. I've just never THOUGHT of colors necessarily as warm or cool. But I see there's a certain harmony you can acheive using one for the shadows and one for the lit area. Seeing it that way I can emphasize it a bit, on purpose. And now that I see it, I am seeing it everywhere, which is cool. Errr, not warm/cool, just ... awesome! : ) I have no idea why my teacher discounted it other than her saying she'd never "gotten it."
Congrats Carol! I always enjoy seeing your paintings! Speaking of the warm/cool thing, are you aware of the blog by James Gurney? If you go there and dig around you can find lots of great info on painting, color theories, sketching... many interesting things! I just thought you would enjoy it. I learn a lot from his blog as a novice painter.
I love the composition on this one!
Spectacular ! The "dots" are really becoming a trademark of your work !
I've forwarded an email to your website with additional comments, when you happen to get a moment.
Beautiful painting, Carol.
Congratulations on all of the interest and good news about your work. It's well deserved!
Hi Carol. This is a stunning little piece! And MORE good news- looks like we both got into the Salon show! Go to Greenhouse's web site to see the list of accepted entries. YEAH!!!!
Such a playful and happy painting! It really cheers me up during this wretched winter weather!
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