This was tough because these bananas are a bit old, and fairly brown. My goal, despite the brown, was to exaggerate certain colors a bit that I thought would ... make it better. To do this I looked at my subject and thought about what colors were missing ... just a feeling. I decided there should be more green in the shadow, so I emphasized what was already there. I would like to experiment with this more ... perhaps with some fresher bananas.
Your work is an inspiration to me. What an education on how to take something simple and transform it.
Carol - gorgeous greens.. love all of the warmth you brought into the shadows. The brown ones make such great bread or add the sweetness to a smoothie. How did my kids learn to say Ewww!..?
Really great perspective and nice choice of colours!
I think the greens in the shadows were a great choice! and the areas of pinker color in the background seem to keep my eye moving around....
Yes, the colors are wonderful. But even more I'm attracted to the forms, really keep my eye moving!
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