Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Howdy" --- SOLD

This is another one that just fell off my brush. I didn't once think about rules when composing, in fact I never stopped to think at all through the whole thing. It just happened. I live for this. I asked my husband what I should call it and he said "it looks like the flower is saying 'howdy' and waving its leaf." So there you are.

Below are some little alien sculptures (~2" high) I made out of Sculpey and painted. It was a fun project I did with my stepdaughter.


Elenka said...

Amongst your many, many skills, the thing that stands out for me, as a painter, is your skill in capturing secondary highlights and reflections. What a fantastic job. Your colors are right on!

Roshanda said...

I love how all of the different angles show through in your brush strokes. Your paintings are interesting and beautiful.

Tracy Wall said...

They're such fun!! All part of the same breed, yet definitely different in their own right!

The painting is lovely! You've got that wonderful balance of gesture painting that I strive for. Thanks for all you show!

Chris Bolmeier said...

My favorite design element in the painting are the blue brush marks on the background, foreground, and pot.

The aliens are adorable, I think you should go for a trade mark and give the beanie babies a run for their money.

Barbara Pask said...

The pot is excellent with the reflected light. I amazed you seem to accomplish a painting most every day. Barb

indiaartist said...

Aliens are adorable and each has unique personality. Love them, Thanks.

ch said...

If I wasn't broke I'd grab this painting. I love everything about it!
Happy Holiday's!

Penelope Lentz said...

You REALLY crack me up. Well Howdy, to you too! Hee hee! Thanks for sharing your humor and talent.
Penny Lentz
PS Marilyn saw my previous note on your blog and emailed me so we're going to lunch next year! Thanks for being the conduit! But I must say I'm a little ticked off that I can't paint as good as you. You rock!

Jacqui Faye said...

I too live for those moments when the painting seems to emerge so effortlessly. Its a wonderful painting!! Reflections, color....bravo!

James said...

The colors and frenetic feeling spots in this one (for me at least) clash in a crazy way. Sort of like some of the wild outfits I would see on people around Austin years ago. This little painting will fight to be noticed.

I know it is not easy to have a rose come out "effortlessly." :) Nice.

Dani Brandimarte said...

This is great! You know I always love the polka dots and the lighting seems a little different than usual for you. I'm still waiting for something to "fall off my brush". Maybe someday.....