Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Watermelon" --- SOLD

One of my students in Santa Fe painted some great cut watermelon, and it inspired me to try it. I must admit, I broke a cardinal rule here - I made something up. This was a seedless watermelon! There was one errant seed, and it had this nice little highlight, so I decided to use that and add more. Otherwise it was a fairly lifeless setup. Not that I noticed before I started painting! Argh.


Mona Diane Conner said...

Beautifully clean painting. Like the seeds, and the watermelon color!

lebanesa said...

Lovely colour - gives the feel of an over-ripe melon, that enticing colour and disappointing texture -

kim shields said...

Isn't it our artistic license to be able to add or subtract what we want from our own paintings? Love the greens! You are so good with color.

Dani Brandimarte said...

The polka dots are never lifeless. I love all the paintings with that fabric.