Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Adopted" --- SOLD

So, yesterday I had some extra time when I was done painting. Jacob hadn't yet woken up from his nap, so I put together a still life for the next day, (today) to get a head-start. And today when it was time to paint, I came up to my studio and started painting ... and found I just couldn't get into it. I wasn't motivated, at all. So I wiped it off and started over, and got this. It seems I've got to paint what I'm excited about right now, rather than what I was into yesterday. Makes sense. It's that spark - it doesn't happen otherwise.

For those of you who don't know, my husband and I adopted our son, Jacob, ~2 years ago when he was 2 days old. This setup reminded me of the differences and similarities between us and him. He's such a joy in our lives. Here's a picture of Jacob.


Michael Naples said...

I agree about the setup right before the painting begins. I've had many paintings with no spark. Also it's true about wiping a board clean as opposed to throwing it out. It really makes the difference. BTW-real cute kid.

Helen Read said...

Nicely said, Carol. The meaning within the painting makes it that much more interesting.
I really like the way you've shown reflection and shadows too.

Barb Matijevich said...

As always, I am inspired by your art. I come here almost daily to drink it in, impressed with your daily practice.

But this time I had to write to tell you how gorgeous your son is! He's absolutely perfect--and the photo is one of those where you can "see" (feel?) the subject's personality. I love two-year olds. (I know, call me crazy.)

Brendy Vaughn said...

Beautiful painting and beautiful kid!

wanda knight said...

You are so inspiring. I enjoy reading about your painting process. Thanks for sharing the painting and your beaautiful son.