
Saturday, December 03, 2011

Nutcracker Balls

Click Here to Bid

I apologize in advance if the title of this piece offends anyone. I couldn't possibly have been expected to resist.

It has taken me almost 3 months to get around to this, but one of things that happened right after the fire, when suddenly my blog was changed under my feet by blogger, was my blogroll (my list of links to other artists) was erased and lost forever. When I revamped my blog I made a short list of artists off the top of my head and stopped there. I've been meaning to ask - could you please email me with a link if I had you listed before? It may take me a while to piece it back together again. Please don't think I took you off to be mean, or if I take a while to add you back for the same reason.


  1. Another amazing painting, and it is SO narrative. The different colored eyes, the sassy feather in his cap, and the bigger than life BALLS. As usual, your brushstrokes are dreamy and appear to be so confidently placed. The title "cracks" me up.

  2. Cracked up laughing(no pun intended!)

  3. Une très jolie peinture... Son nom ne me choque pas... je comprends votre irritation en ce qui concerne votre blog...
    Gros bisous

  4. I love your sense of humor, gave me a good laugh this morning. I was not on your list of artists but I would so love to be. Not asking, just hinting, lol.

  5. p.s. Great painting too.

  6. Don't apologize:) You're amazing artist and I love it!

  7. I think you Nutcracker balls are a hoot. Love the strong red and green on this piece, it is very striking.

  8. LOL--funny painting too. Love it!

  9. LOL! So you, Carol ; )
    Fantastic painting, too!

  10. Oh Carol! Of course you could not resist that title:):)
    Amazing painting. Gosh, the green ball thru the bottle is superb! Every brushstroke on the nutcracker is thought out and just perfect! Man- this is good and fun too!! Love it:)

  11. There's a website called the "Way Back Machine" that takes periodic "snapshots" of websites - it's a digital Internet archive (Wikipedia describes it as a "digital time capsule". WBM has a capture of your website from April 2011: and it shows your blogroll. Hope that helps :)

  12. ROTFLOL!
    Surprised, maybe, but not offended.
    Didn't you follow David Lobenberg before? I do know for sure, but I thought you did.

  13. I think I would have been offended if you hadn't used a title like that! You know what they say, a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste ;)

  14. At least you didn't call it, "Ball Cracker." Any painting you do of glass is always amazing.

  15. LOL! A little artistic double entendre never hurt anyone! Just ask Mae West! Love the light and reflection on the...errr... balls. :^D

  16. How ballsy of you to be so right up there with the title. I am of a firm belief that titles sell paintings, and if not , this will continue to give me a giggle.

  17. Carol, I'm pretty sure it was inadvertant that I was left off your blogroll, but I certainly understand the oversight as you've been busy ;) no apology necessary (I was pretty near the top though)
