
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just One Volunteer?

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Some of you may have already heard I'm writing an instructional book! If not, I am. I had hoped to get it out at the end of this year, but the fire pushed things back a bit. I am shooting now for next summer, but will be happy with the end of next year. I was keeping it under wraps until I was at least halfway through, which I now am.


  1. Je vous souhaite plein de bonnes choses pour votre projet...
    J'aime cette ribambelle de poires... Les couleurs sont chatoyantes...
    Gros bisous

  2. I had heard and I've been watching for more information. I'm definitely interested.

    Love love love your pears. It's amazing how you can make pears look different each and every time. Love the reflected colors.

    Hope things are going well for you in Oregon!

  3. Love the light source on this one.

  4. Sign me up for a copy! I took your workshop in Oct and loved it. Will be integrating what I learned there for a long time.
    Carol you are the greatest!

  5. Love the reflections and the beautiful colors in the pears. Looking forward to your book! I will definitely purchase one!!

  6. Renee Finlay12/01/2011 6:47 AM

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. After taking your class last year at the Parish Center for the Arts in Westford, Massachusetts,I hoped you'd publish such a book. Can't wait to order it.

  7. I'm a watercolorist, but I would but it!

  8. I really like the composition, colors, and brushwork on this one.

  9. Terrific news! Congrats, and I look forward to it!

  10. Love the pears- they are just a favorite subject for me and I love seeing how beautifully you shaped them. I learned how to paint pear stems from you! Love that:) And...count me in for a book too. Can't wait...hurry:)

  11. I really admire your work and love seeing your new postings. I can't wait to buy your book.

  12. I admire your work and look forward to your book being published and available for sale.

  13. Love these pears...the rich colors and the reflections. Looking forward to you book!

  14. Yay! Can't wait to read it! And this painting is lovely!!
